After trying my hardest to book band's over the end of the year i kept on stumbling across band's based in London with connections to the label Art Fag.
Currently their seems to be a really rich and healthy punk ethic scene going on down there that could rival that of L.A's the Smell.
Band's such as PENS,Graffiti Island,Teen Sheikhs,La La Vasquez and many more if you go on anyone of the band's mentioned myspace and scope out their friend's list.
Trust me majority of them are all really good.
The one band that i am interested in is Male Bonding at the moment. There like G.B.H meets Abe Vigoda just simple straight up punk.
No doubt pretty soon the Vice reading heads will bum them to death if they already haven't.
Catch em if they play near you!
"Made up of Robin Silas Christian (drums), John Arthur Webb (guitar & vocals) and Kevin Hendrick (bass and vocals), and rising from a flourishing DIY scene in their adopted hometown of Dalston, London, Male Bonding became a very real thing in May, 2008, with their first show, at an insane house party called “RAGE!” Male Bonding was born raging and it’s been non-stop ever since. That party evolved in to a split 7” release withPENS on Male Bonding’s own label Paradise Vendors Inc. (which sold out in a week). To date, Male Bonding has dispatched seven releases including a Flipper tribute 7” (on Domino Records) alongside PPM Allstars, Lovvers and Ponytail. The band has toured the UK with Brooklyn’s Vivian Girls and played shows with Lovvers, HEALTH, Fucked Up, Graffiti Island, Mika Miko, These are Powers, NISENNENMONDAI, Magik Markers, and Finally Punk among others. We are excited by, about and for Male Bonding. You should be too."